By Anthony Francis Cummings. 

A New stage musical coming soon.
Based on the book "Little Boy Soldiers."
New score and lib for 2024.


LITTLE BOY SOLDIERS is a new stage musical based on the book of the same name. The story involves Four brothers who's mundane lives on their family farm explode into adventure as they all join the British Army at the onset of World War One and travel to the front lines in war torn France.

The Story.

Life down on the farm is about to change as Four Brothers volunteer to join the British Army during the summer of 1914. (The Manchester Pals 16th Battalion.) World War One has just begun and the innocent boys from Manchester look forward to a life of adventure overseas on the Battlefields of France. The only problem is Two of them are only 15 and 16 years old and the Eldest Frank Cummings has just met the love of his life a week before embarkation. George the second eldest is also wrestling with his new found homosexuality and desperate to hide his own feelings from his brothers and the Army he so desperately wanted to join. Fate though would deal each brother a cruel hand as they face a fight for survival upon the altar of WAR. 

The Boys from Manchester City.
On a day like today.

Frank Cummings celebrates his 21st Birthday along with his brother George, little realising that WAR will be declared at first light. The boys longing for adventure and a life away from the family farm, will lead them straight to the recruiting officer for the British Army.

A night to remember.

Percy and Eddie.

Percy 16 and Eddie 15, look on, enviously as they watch their older brothers celebrate and plan for enlistment and wonder if they can possibly find a way of joining them?

Frank and George.

The evening ends in spectacular fashion at a local tavern and explodes out onto the streets of Manchester.

The Manchester Pals.

Infused with Alcohol and Dutch courage. The boys party comes to an end and they march on the recruiting office. All that remains is to let Mum and Dad know, that they will be leaving home, soon.

Its WAR!

Finally on Wednesday the 5th of August 1914. The unimaginable happens. England is at War. 

Frank and George are swept up in the patriotic fervour of the land and find themselves in the sight of recruiting Sergeant Major John Waddell. Under threat of receiving the dreaded white feather for perceived cowardice if they refuse and being promised a life of action and adventure from the jovial Sergeant. Both the boys eagerly sign up there and then to join the 16th Manchester Pals. Sergeant Waddell vows to keep a close eye on the cocky lads from Marple.



Father stares out over his farmland. He feels something in the air and awaits the arrival of his Two eldest sons ready to start a days work.

Frank and George.

Nervously the boys approach their father and break the news that they have joined the 16th Manchester's and intend to leave in the next few week's.


With a Mothers intuition for danger, she begs the boys to reconsider. Little knowing that both her youngest will soon follow in Frank and Georges footsteps as well. Tearing her family apart.

                       A Thousand Years.

Devastated by the news that his boys have enlisted.

Father retreats to the solace of the lightning tree and the spot where his Seven year old Daughters ashes are buried. He calls out to her and prays that she watch over the life and souls of her brothers as they prepare to travel to the battlefields of France. His heart wont take the death of another child in his family.

All my Life.

Frank and Minnie.

Day later whilst travelling through the village. Frank is stunned by the sudden appearance of a beautiful young women. Minnie steals the very breath from his body. His brother advises against any contact as they have both just enlisted.

Time standing still.

Frank is bewitched by the beautiful Minnie and cannot help but, be by her side  at all times. Each second, separated from her seems like a wasted moment in time. His decision to join the army  now seems like a foolish and immature choice.

Loves first kiss.

Frank and Minnie now seem inseparable. That first kiss explodes in both their hearts, leading to a life time of love. Fate however will tear their story in Two and prove that True Love doesn't always conquer all. Or does it?

A Summer Love. 

The Summer of 1914 races away with the Two youngsters. They become inseparable and live entwined in each moment but, time is short and a final picnic is planed for Franks last week at home.

A last day before camp.

Frank and Minnie head out into the countryside for their last day together before he has to leave for training at Heaton Park camp in Manchester.

May be our last chance.

The rain puts pay to any idea of a picnic and they both seek refuge in an abandoned barn by the roadside. Frank declares his love to Minnie and the inevitable happens as they make gentle love to the sound of rain drops on the tin roof. 

Summer Carnival.

Marple Fairground.

The bustle of crowds and the scent of fresh candy lingers in the air. George and Frank prepare to leave for Army training the following morning. It is a last day of innocence for everyone.

The big kick inside.

Minnie and her best friend Clara spend the afternoon on the rides and speculating about the future. Minnie is convinced she can feel "THE BIG KICK INSIDE!" but is also upset at the prospect of a sad farewell to Frank, later.

On the house lad's!

Frank and George plus a few of the other recruits are allowed into the beer tent for a couple of final beers on the house. George tells Frank that Billy Bates has been calling him out, for a fight in the boxing ring, next door.

Join up / Cock of the North.

Billy Bates.

William Bates the current holder of the Dales champion boxer and "Cock of the North!" Challenges all comers to take him on in the carnival boxing tent. Billy and Frank have bad blood between them. Long standing family rivalries.

The Bates

Billy Bates and his simple, younger brother Saul, calls out Frank as a "Chicken" and a vicious fight ensues in the ring. Frank exposes Billy as a cheat by using hidden weights in his gloves.


Frank takes on Billy again in a brutal bare knuckle fight. Billy is beaten to the ground and vows revenge on his opponent. The next time they meet, Billy will be wearing Two extra stipes on his army uniform in order to extract his vengeance. However for now. Minnie has caught his eye and another form of revenge takes shape in his mind.

Dutch Courage.

Billy Bates and his cronies lick their wounds at the local tavern. Bates getting more and more drunk as the evening wears on. He suddenly spots Minnie out of the corner of his eye.

Lost her way!

Minnie see's Bates at the last minute and tries to run from him behind One of the carnival tent's. Bates however, catches up and after his drunken pleasantries' are rebuked by her.

Taken by Force.

He drags her round the back of the tent, forces her down to the ground and viciously rapes her. Bates appears again after a few minutes and wanders off back to his drunken friends.

Heaton Park Training Camp.

The 16th Manchester's.

The 16th Manchester's become the darlings of the city. Through Lord Derby's Pal's initiative where friends can sign up and train and fight together. Another Three battalions are created that Summer. 17th 18th 19th Pals. 

Bates made up to Sgt.

Billy Bates stint in the Boy scouts as a young man, marks him down as a leader of men and he is almost immediately promoted upon his attestation to Sergeant. 

Boys become men.

Frank and Billy's rivalry comes to the boil on several occasions over the Summer and it is only Billy's stripes that prevent Frank from fighting back. The truth is not yet out though, but when it comes. No strip of cloth will save the man.

Funny Boy.


Frank and George line up with the other volunteers for their final medical before attestation. Training will begin at the new camp in Heaton Park.

Sgt Waddell.

Suspecting Georges Homosexuality straight away during inspection. Waddell launches into a merciless tirade of abuse at his frozen victim.

Cpt Briggs.

Waddell and the men are eventually halted by Captain Briggs. He see's something very familiar in Young George. They share a hidden understanding of each other. Or so it seems.


The docks.

The hour is finally here and the young men prepare to set sail into history. Many wonder will they ever see their beloved England again?


Unspoken fears grip the minds of every last Mother and Father that watch the innocents leave. Pride intermingled with horror has to be suppressed as the ships set sail.

Mam and Dad.

Frank and Georges parents watch in muted sorrow. Unaware that their Two youngest are even now hatching their plans. To go and follow their older brothers to France.


The terrified Minnie finally drops the bombshell on Frank as he waves goodbye. That she is pregnant. Not knowing if it is Franks or Billy's child growing within her.


Frank is reeling at the news and angry at the same time for her not to tell him until this very late stage. He vows to write to her upon his arrival in France. To demand an explanation.

Setting sail.

The ship echoes to the rousing chorus of men. Singing aloud, to alleviate the pain of all, left behind on the dockside. They turn to face a stormy sea and an uncertain future.

Advance Little Boy Soldiers.

A Final farewell.

Only the singing voices of the men aboard can be heard in the distance. Too far away for them to notice a mothers Heart wrenching tears.

Brave are our Son's.

The joyous vocals now die away as each man focusses on the task ahead. Is the man next to me as terrified as I am? 

England expects of you.

It was time to stand up and be counted. Each man now relied upon the other to beat the struggle. To live each precious day. To return home. ALIVE.


Fighting his feelings towards Captain Briggs and desperate to keep his illegal secret from the men around him and from his older brother.


Still puzzling the fact of Minnie's reticence in coming forward sooner with the news of their expected child.

Welcome to Hell!

The twelve foot high sentence, daubed upon the harbour wall in Calais. The future for all of them holds no more guarantees. Frank who doesn't know it yet, but he has a huge score to settle.

1916. The Front lines, The Somme, France.
Little Boy Soldiers.

The Little Boy Soldiers.

Percival aged 16 and Edward aged 15 arrive illegally into the front lines and Franks sworn enemy, Sgt Billy Bates who made the boys enlistment possible, makes sure they are all posted together.

Frank and Bates clash.

Frank is enraged at finding his Two younger brothers enlisted. He demands Bates returns them home immediately, but as will happen time and time again. Bates will pull rank and order Frank's silence.

    The realities of war.

After the excitement dies away. The realities of real war finally hit home to the terrified, younger brothers. They beg Sergeant Bates to release them. He of course, refuses. Much to the anger of Frank and his other brother George.

Sail down the river.

George and Major Snow.

George and Major Snow meantime, share a stolen moment away from the prying eyes of others and share a dream of Punting down the Thames in a world without care or castigation.

     Frank and George.

Frank rounds the corner and catches both men embraced. He is horrified by what he has seen and drags George into the open, where a fight between the Two older brothers ensues.

      The Court Martial.

Both Major Snow and George are charged with   â€˜acts of gross indecency’ The choice? Two years imprisonment at home and a forfeiture of any pension rights and shame upon your family's name and reputation, or a suicide mission into No Mans Land and an honourable death.

Gas, Gas, Gas.

     The enemy attack.

The enemy attack the front line under cover of Night and Nerve gas. Billy Bates is caught out in the open and steals Young Eddies Gas mask. Frank see's him, but is unable to intervene due to the fierce hand to hand combat in the trenches.

        A Brothers love.

Percy watches in horror as the gas advances down the trench towards his, helpless younger brother. Percy removes his own gas mask and places it over Eddies face. He forces him to run off down the trench and away from danger.

     The world closes in.

The gas finally engulfs Sixteen year old Percy and he falls to his knees in its choking curtain. Up ahead and peering through the smoke. Young Eddie takes a final look back at his brother and see's a group of enemy soldiers bayonetting young Percy to death.  

The animal within us all.

     Frank finds Percy.

The gas, slowly subsides and Frank reaches the body of his younger brother. Filled with an uncontrollable rage. Frank careers along the trench to confront Billy Bates. Stripes or no Stripes. Nothing will protect him now.

     Hell hath no fury.

After witnessing Bates stealing his brothers gas mask. Frank reports him to senior command before continuing on his search for Bates. He finds him and a terrible fight breaks out. Frank beats Bates in a fist fight and leaves him almost dead on the ground. Bates turns to him in gratitude.

     Loss of humanity.

Bates confesses and apologises to Frank about the attack on Minnie at the fairground and thanks Frank for sparing his life. He knew he didn't deserve his mercy. Something snaps inside and slowly Frank pushes Bate's face into the mud and suffocates the life out of him. Frank is arrested.

The hour draws near.

       Army Justice.

Frank escapes his fate due to the mitigating circumstances of his arrest and he is released. Another young soldier however is charged with desertion during the battle and is sentenced to death by firing squad. He is Seventeen.

   The Winter of my life.

The young prisoner laments the passing of his life in the early morning. From his prison cell, he sings a final song and remembers with fondness the friend ship of Tom Weather-bone who vowed to protect him from the true face of war.

    Walk on with Jesus.

Tom Weather-Bone watches in horror as his young charge is executed by the British Army at dawn. He questions his own ability and faith, and damns the Lord for failing to show up and save the poor lad in his greatest hour of need.

The Winter of my life.  Walk on with Jesus.

The Battle of the Somme.

     To hide the shame.

George and Major Snow exchange a glance as they climb up the trench wall and disappear into no mans land, Better to die a hero than be castigated back at home. They were probably all going to die this morning, anyway. They move out of view and Two shots ring out.

    Little boy soldiers.

Sergeant Waddell proclaims his admiration towards his men and his deep pride at their bravery this coming morning. He knows what awaits his boys and wishes them God speed and glory to King and Country. Slowly they stand and prepare as day light breaks.

      Silence and Death.

In complete silence and One by One the men climb up and over the sand bags. Only the birds sing in the distance. More and more men disappear into the gloomy morning mist until the trench is empty. It is only then that the distant machine gun fire starts and does not stop. FADE.

Back Home.


Mother and her friend seek absolution from the war by helping the injured from trains on their return home from the front. Mother prays One day that it will be her sons coming home. Sometimes it is all she dreams about.

    Ghosts of tomorrow.

Father is haunted night after night by the ghost's of his Sons who come to visit in the dark hours and ask him to pray for their safe return home.

       Given up hope.

Another day and night pass by. Father slumps into his armchair and lights a final cigarette for himself. The strain of his nightly visions finally take there toll on his old mind and body and he falls deep, into his final sleep. Maybe here, In this eternal darkness, he will find his boys again.

1925. Seven years after the War has ended.

  Franks return Home.

Frank having lived the past Seven years in France living with the nurse who bought him back from death. Following her demise during the Flu epidemic and now with a young Daughter called Justine. He decides to venture home and re connect with his other family and finally meet his young Son for the first time.

     Eddie stepped up.

Eddie the youngest brother returned home after the war and married Franks girl friend Minnie. They both assumed all the brothers to be dead and Eddie took on the responsibility of the farm and the family. He tells Frank to go and never come back. This was Eddies life now and Frank no longer, had any part in it. Frank begs to see his Son just this One time. Eddie refuses.

     Your Guiding Star.

Eddie allows Frank to stay One more night under the old tree, but then he must leave and never return. As dawn breaks a young boy wanders up the hill with supply's for Franks journey. He see;s the boy and realises this is his Son. He can see Eddie at the bottom of the hill watching. He tells the boy that he is a stranger passing through, but he will always be the lads guiding star in life. With a broken heart Frank leaves for France.

LONDON 1974. Remembrance day parade.

    Frank and Justine.

Frank now 81 years old has been drawn to this years parade through an old friend. His Daughter Justine has come all the way from France to be with her frail Father. Frank suddenly recognises a mans face in a Photograph. The picture is of his young brother Eddie.

    A face in the crowd.

Holding the photograph Frank realises it is his Son. Frank Jnr. Justine runs across the road and introduces herself as his Sister. Frank Jnr looks a little bit stunned until he looks across the road and see's his Guiding star. The stranger on the hill from long, long ago. His real Father.

  Father and Son again.

Frank and his Son finally meet after all these years. Frank Jnr explains that his Step father Eddie explained everything to him just before his death. He told Frank Jnr to be here today holding his step fathers picture and that his real father would find him. Frank enquires if Minnie is still alive?

I waited for you, All my life.

  The years melt away.

Frank Jnr guides his father away from the crowd and tells him that Minnie is taking tea by the river as she hates all this fuss. Frank walks around the corner and see's her sat by the river. He hesitates and just watches her before finally approaching her and explaining who he is.

     Still as Beautiful.

Minnie smiles gently and asks "And where the hell have you been?" The ice is broken and they sit together catching up on some crazy memories.The years gently roll away and they are as One again. Eddie had already covered the hard work by explaining to Minnie how he had sent Frank away all those years ago.

How it was always to be.

They spent the next Eleven years together until Minnie passed away, gently in her sleep at the age of 92.  Frank lived on to the ripe old age of 104. At his funeral. His Great, Grandson. Me! Read out a poem written in the trenches by Great, Grandads brother George during the Great War. The poem was simply called. Little Boy Soldiers.